What’s Up Wednesday

Guess what?! 

Today is the beginning of Lent and it ends April 14th.

Lent is derived from the old English word ‘lenten’ meaning spring season. Traditionally Lent was a period of abstinence when Christians fasted, gave up certain luxuries, and adopted a spiritual practice that lead to renewal of the soul.

I would like to put a downsizing twist on Lent this year.
I am challenging you all to
“Lent Soft Landings!”.

Here’s how it works…..

Each day of Lent I want you to remove one item from your house that you no longer use, wear, etc. and place it in a bag.

Then at the end of Lent I want you to donate the bag of downsizing items to a charity of your choice. They’ll be shared with others who really need them.

Let’s make it fun!!!
Post regularly here what you are giving up for Lent so others can be inspired (bonus points for pictures).

At the end of Lent you’ll feel great knowing you removed some items from your home and also helped others in need.

Ready, set, go!!!!
