Estate Services & Executor Support

Thoughtful Estate Services: Guiding You Through Transitions

Navigating the estate of a loved one is a deeply personal journey, often accompanied by sentiment and complexity. At Soft Landings, we offer compassionate estate services, providing a guiding hand to help you manage estate settlements with care. We aim to ease the process for you and your family during this emotionally charged time.


Our experienced team specializes in estate cleaning, meticulously addressing items and collections that require clearing before your property can be listed for sale. We understand that this process can be overwhelming, which is why our patient and compassionate approach is tailored to support you every step of the way.


When you choose Soft Landings for your estate cleanout needs, you’re partnering with a team of skilled home organizers who are dedicated to ensuring your peace of mind. With our assistance, you’ll be able to navigate the complexities of estate management while honouring the memories and legacy of your loved one.

Executor Support: Guiding You Through Estate Settlements

As an executor or estate trustee, the responsibility of settling an estate can feel overwhelming. Soft Landings understands the intricacies of this role and offers dedicated support to help you navigate the process with confidence.


We provide the necessary help to efficiently empty the contents of a home and prepare it for sale, ensuring that the process is both manageable and respectful of the estate’s legacy.


Sorting through sentimental items, household goods, furniture, art, and more can be emotionally challenging. Our organizing, decluttering, and move management services are here to ease the burden, creating a seamless journey toward the sale of the property.


If you find yourself uncertain about the value or disposition options for specific items, we offer guidance. From social media sales, estate sales, and auctions, to donations, our experienced team collaborates with you to develop a practical plan that aligns with your unique circumstances. At Soft Landings, we’re committed to being your trusted partner, providing you with the expertise and support needed to navigate estate settlements with compassion and ease.

Reach out to schedule a free consultation