Last Tuesday’s Downsizing Tip we learned about the things children wish their parents would keep as they go through the downsizing process. Now let’s find out about the things they “DON’T” want you to keep!!
Today’s generation is much less formal and family formal sit down dinners have become a rarity rather than a weekly ritual. In fact, most new homes built these days have no formal dining room in them. With that in mind, the younger generation is not interested in silverware that will require polishing and may or may not be dishwasher safe! The china set and pattern you carefully selected for your wedding is just not valued as it likely is neither microwave or dishwasher friendly. Those few linens pieces that were made by Grandma or a distant Aunt may have some sentimental value but the vast majority are just unsuitable for today and our lifestyles. Fine crystal is a nonstarter for most young people. Most of the glasses are small and designed for drinks that are no longer even served! In addition to these items, furniture is something that most children already have their own household full of. Collectables are just not as common as they once were and the chances that your children cherish the same collectible pieces as you do is not that likely. Lastly, books are of limited interest, even to libraries. Best to donate them to organizations that take them in.
In closing the great divide then is this; parents of baby boomers, the oldest generation alive today, were savers, having learned in the lean times of war and the Great Depression to treasure what they owned. Their children were consumers. Together, they leave behind houses jammed with mahogany dining room sets, silver platters, crystal figurines and all manner of tchotchkes that their kids don’t want. And, even if they did want them, this Great Intergenerational Dump is happening just as millennials are facing a housing crisis, which will leave many of them either renting or living in much smaller homes.